Smart Bin – Sustainable Design – Final Submission – Ben Willoughby

The idea for a smart bin came about after I saw on the news that hundreds of parks across the country have been filled with litter and overflowing bins. This design tries to tackle that problem by notifying the local council when a bin is full. The idea being that the design would be rolled out across a city and the council notified which bins are full and need emptying.

This video shows off all the smart bins functionality with the three different SMS functions.
This video shows off the basic functionality of the model by sending a text saying “bin no.53 is FULL”.
(used a different heat sensor as dht11 wasn’t available in fritzing)

This is the link to my final code.

To evaluate the whole project, I think it was a success! I created a working prototype with all the functionality I intended to give it. The code works flawlessly which I am very happy about. My model prototype works well as a prototype however due to the lack of workshop I feel it could have been improved to show off the design better and give a more finished feel.

Things I would improve next time: I would find a way to remotely reset the program instead of having to press the reset button. I would 3D print a model and test in a real bin. I would also scale the model down significantly by using a much smaller breadboard and an arduino nano.