Week 3 – Project Ideas – TWE

Ideas that integrate both a Sound sensor and a Bluetooth sensor:

Sound Sensor = Input

Bluetooth Sensor = Output/Input

LED Display Screen = Output

Servo = Output


Game – Make as much noise as you can to trigger something in the phone. A score board of noise possibly.


Sound detector – Shows the sound levels visually and on a phone e.g. Baby Monitor?


Door Bell Detector – If door bell sound is detected it will send a message to a Bluetooth device, and from your device can choose to open or keep the door closed.


Using the “if” statement to send data via Bluetooth to trigger a function on the phone or other Bluetooth device. For example, making a low-level sound triggers one action while a higher level of sound will trigger another action, and so on and so forth.

The “if” statement checks for a condition and executes the proceeding statement or set of statements if the condition is ‘true’.

So if (sound > 31) {

digitalWrite(led1, HIGH);


if (sound < 31) {

digitalWrite(led1, LOW);




Idea 1:

Have a small object with the sound sensor within which flickers to the different sound levels and sends a message to a Bluetooth device, like a text message at different sizes to show the sound levels or a certain image to represent the level of sound

Idea 2:

Make a loud enough sound into the sound sensor module, which will send data to a Bluetooth speaker, which will make a noise back at you. Certain catchphrases for each level of sound.